The Hunt For Pancho Villa

Just before dawn on March 9, 1916, a band of Mexican revolutionaries loyal to General Francisco “Pancho” Villa crossed the border into the United States and attacked the town of Columbus, New Mexico. Within a matter of hours, seventeen Americans and 67 Mexicans lay dead. The next day, President Woodrow Wilson announced the formation of the Punitive Expedition under the command of General John “Blackjack” Pershing. Within three months over 150,000 U.S. National guardsmen and Army regulars would be mobilized, in what was the largest troop deployment in the United States since the Civil War. “The Hunt for Pancho Villa” recounts the events that brought the U.S. and Mexico to the brink of war in the early part of this century. The film draws on a wealth of visual archival materials, such as photographs, postcards, cartoons, newsreel and film excerpts found in public and private collections in the United States and Mexico.

Produced by Paul Espinosa and Hector Galan
Written by Paul Espinosa
Directed by Hector Galan
Narrated by Linda Hunt
A Production of Galan Productions in association with KPBS-TV for The American Experience


National PBS broadcast on the American Experience, Best Written, Documentary, Spur Award, Western Writers of America, Imagen Award, Best Documentary, National Conference of Christians and Jews.