The Border, a two-hour documentary, features compelling story-driven vignettes narrated by journalist John Quiñones from ABC’s “20/20.” Through dynamic visual segments, The Border evokes a strong sense of place and puts a human face on the new global community evolving in the border region. This cosmopolitan new world is neither Mexican nor American but a synthesis of the two, a testing ground for a new world order where values, behavior, language and culture are undergoing rapid transformation. This magazine-style program presents slices of border life not found on the evening news. Rather than exploit the aura of danger and menace cultivated by other media, the show focuses on the stories of everyday life, faith, tradition, opportunity and art that are flourishing in the many border towns of the United States and Mexico.
Executive Producer/Writer -Paul Espinosa
Producers/Directors – Paul Espinosa, Hector Galan, Hector Gonzalez, Matthew Sneddon
A Production of Espinosa Productions
National PBS broadcast; Corporation for Public Broadcasting Production Grant; Best Documentary, Society of Professional Journalists Award; First Place, Community Service Award, San Diego Press Club; Emmy Nominee, San Diego, Best Documentary; Screened at CineSol Film Festival; Selected for screening at INPUT-2000, Panama; Screened at New York Latino Film & Video Festival; Screened at “Borders: An Investigative Eye”, Brazil.